Goals for 2022

2 min readJan 4, 2022

2021 has been quite a year and I am fairly certain 2022 is going to be even more so, in terms of both love and lessons!

Having leaped into an irreversible life-stage of pregnancy with imminent motherhood, 2022 will be eventful to say the least. Change is seldom easy but I think mostly good for us! While I find myself wondering if my partner & I can handle what’s in store for us , I remind myself of what a truly meaningful experience this is going to be, perhaps the most rewarding (the thanklessness is not lost on me) — I feel geared up for the challenge. I am sure it is going to be a journey…and a journey worth remembering! :)

Given this innate challenge of the year and my own tendency of anticipatory over-whelm, here are my key focus points for the year:

  1. The art of letting go: I am quite the obsessive-compulsive type. I love planning and organisation. I like to follow a well thought-through plan! But delegating, letting people do it their way and being okay with it is going to be the need of the hour & crucial to my mental well-being.
  2. Parenting myself before I parent my child. Calling out yourself when required, allowing self-healing and being self-aware. If I get this right, the actual parenting will take care of itself.
  3. Practising patience with people, goals and myself. Not just in theory but being able to channelize it on demand.
  4. Remind myself that ‘La vie est belle’ when languishing: Asking myself if I want to be happy or miserable? This question quickly helps provide perspective.
  5. Being present and thus mindful: Fully being in the present to enjoy life as it is happening — whatever the situation may be.
  6. Journaling my motherhood journey. Time is already a warped concept thanks to the pandemic. With a new born baby and its monotonous schedule (sprinkled with the pain of sleep deprivation and breast feeding) I suspect time will crawl yet fly by without me totally processing it. However, I would like to document my thoughts and feelings to feel better and look back at what I (hopefully) powered through!
  7. Go back to being fit: Eat right, keep moving the body, shaking up the mind and not letting go in this aspect!
  8. Allow myself to enjoy my tiny person instead of getting lost in responsibilities and chores.
  9. Watering the grass where I am at and not wondering about 100 other meadows that may or may not even be green.
  10. Counting my blessings. There are always plenty, if you bother looking. Continuing my attitude of gratitude ❤




Lover of quality conversations, cuisine and coffee! Constant learner and a persistent pursuer of a balanced life.